Our desire is to influence all areas of life where we are invited to help and competent to respond, raising up servant leaders who will then impact their different spheres of community life.
The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) recognises that improving community health is essential for national development; therefore a major part of our focus is in the area of health. The project is designed to work in cooperation with the Provincial Health Department (PHD) to help bring about some of the recommended changes of the Ministry of Health (MoH).
YWAM both evangelises and disciples individuals, and expects to see those discipled being a strong influence to improve their communities both now and in the future, and for churches to be planted and established throughout the province.
Through community based care for people living with HIV/AIDS, over 350 people have received counselling, self-help group meetings and home visitation to not only improve their quality of life but also hear the saving message of the gospel.
The project aims to improve both the mental and physical health of all those who attend so that they are able to work for a living and not be reliant on others for an income. Each person in the group will be educated on how to care for themselves and prevent transmission of HIV/AIDs.