Give thanks:
- For the ongoing work and ministry of the hospital
- For the care given to patients in the hospital and the recruitment of three part time consultants
- For our recent visit, for building and renewing relationships and for sharing our hopes for the future
- For all the work that goes into the outreach programmes, and for the impact that these have on the community – for palliative care, mental health and RWFH.
- For continued interest from students and others considering visiting Kagando
Please Pray:
- For the patients, for good care and for healing
- For the staff, for compassion and care, and for joy and fulfilment in their work
- For the management team, that they will continue to work together for the good of Kagando
- For the Executive Director, Rev Canon Uzziah, for his wife Peninnah, and for their family. For wisdom and strength, and for blessing in their work
- For the Chaplaincy team – Rev Eric, Rev Festo and Rev Zephaniah
- For the Trustees, as we discuss priorities with the management, and work out how to most effectively continue our support
- For the Hydro project, for funding for the last phase and guidance for the board members and steering group