The Well of Love team are working to integrate the children more into community life, please pray for opportunities and the process involved in this. Here are some specific prayer requests from the team…
In June J and YJ, another staff member, participated in the 2022 Virtual Meeting on the Protection and Services for Children in G Province, hosted by the Yaqiao Home of Children. YJ shared with other participants a program called: Hope More People Can See the Exceptional Children. Please pray for fruit from all the province-wide input from Well of Love.
Various activities have been held to promote inclusion for children with special needs, including taking more than 80 children and parents to a cinema and on an outing to a park. In June representatives from the Kempinski hotel plus a public welfare charity hosted a birthday party for all the Well of Love children having a spring birthday. Pray for their ongoing acceptance and integration into community life.
PY, an 8 year old girl with developmental delay, has made progress in social skills this year, greeting someone she knows by pulling on their clothing. She enjoys classes, always coming with a smile. She can do simple housework like sweeping the floor and wiping a table. Pray for her ability to care for herself to develop still further and to be aware of His love for her.
Please pray for each child receiving help from Well of Love, whether at home or in the centre, to benefit as fully as possible and to know that they are loved by God.