The ACET Nigeria team reached 8,780 people with vital HIV education across 4 states. This hugely exceeds their target of 5,000. 5,100 people were tested for HIV, 57 people sadly tested positive, but this programme meant that they were able to access medical intervention which will improve their health significantly.
These 57 people who tested positive will be provided with medication adherence support to ensure they are taking the treatment correctly and on time. In communities where there is stigma towards HIV, being diagnosed can be very distressing initially. ACET Nigeria’s support includes reassuring them that HIV is a manageable health condition and that the medicines that treat HIV work well if taken correctly, and help them stay healthy. They are also educated about safer sex and the importance of using condoms to avoid passing the virus on to a partner. The HIV medication adherence programme then supports them to establish a medication routine, as prescribed by their doctor, and how to stick to it. This ensures that those living with HIV can keep the virus under control, and prevent their HIV infection from progressing to AIDS.