The biggest fear, as for so many of us, is heating costs. Last year the Little Lighthouse was spending £90 for a tonne of pellets for their boiler, in July this was £190 and currently the cost is £385. Families such as Nadia’s will also be experiencing this added trauma. Ukraine’s food inflation rate is around 32%, so a £20 food hamper will make a significant difference in how they can feed their family in a week. Supplies of medical and hygiene products are limited and expensive: simple bandages or cleansing products are beyond a family’s reach. Once again £20 will supply essential needs for a few weeks.
As ChildAid and their partners look positively to rebuild lives and communities, they are reliant on prayers for safety and security of their premises; strength of mind, body and soul of their workers and volunteers; and protection and resilience of parents, carers and the children having to live with constant sirens and actual or threatened shelling.
(Image shows shelling next to Nadia's house)