Medical Missionary News partners with the Global Track Program, run by Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), which is a training and development course for medical and nursing students, along with those recently qualified. The aim of the course is to maintain and develop the participant’s interest, calling and direction in global health and mission. Each track lasts seventeen months and offers seminar days, webinars, a mentor, a guided overseas trip and participation in the CMF Developing Health Course which prepares people with clinical and practical knowledge for serving God overseas. Malyha, one of the participants, shares her experience of the track:

I have recently graduated from Imperial College London, having just completed my medical elective at a missionary hospital in Pakistan. During the time I spent at the hospital I worked in the obstetrics, gynaecology, paediatrics and general medicine departments.
A couple of years ago I started the journey of considering international work by signing up for the Global Track Program. Before I started I was very unsure about long term work. On the track I benefitted hugely from eighteen months of teaching, mentoring and asking lots of big questions! One of my favourite times was spent with a group of medics of the same age and stage who were all considering mission as a possibility. The time we spent together was really valuable for encouraging, growing and supporting each other. I also found myself challenged by what is Biblical and what is cultural in the way we do Church, particularly in things like singing, praying and sitting.
All this teaching became very useful while we were in Pakistan, as on the ground there was little time for guidance and instruction about the local church situation and practicing medicine in a low resource setting. I spent eight weeks at the hospital with my husband who is an engineer and we had a great experience working with the team, getting to grips with some elements of the culture and doing ministry work such as helping with Bible studies.
My husband and I are considering returning to South Asia in the future after I finish my training. However, currently God hasn’t shown us any clear open doors so we are going to continue to pray and explore as I go into Foundation Year 1 of my medical studies. The CMF global track was invaluable at helping to explore options, hammer out a lot of questions and use my elective in the most effective way. I would strongly recommend it to all medics with a passion for evangelism.