Looking to the future, there is a lot of concern around the funding needed to keep offering these services to the communities. Assessments and treatments are offered to these communities as they live in such poverty and would otherwise not be able to afford eyecare – but, the need is immense. Rachel reports on challenges looking towards the future:
As a result of these large numbers, our reserves have become very depleted and we are having to carefully monitor what services the charity can afford going into the autumn. Our priority remains to support the team going into the Tea Gardens to find the babies and young children needing help. We are committed to funding necessary treatment for every patient found. Our second priority concerns the school children, since their education and ability to see is of vital importance for the future, so funds are directed to the school eye screening camps to be organised through the autumn term. The number of adult camps is totally dependent on the available funding which we trust will be raised by one means or another.
Please continue to pray for the ongoing work and impact of Vision for Bangladesh.