One of the children the Helping Hands team visited was 12-year-old Amy*. Amy was a quiet and shy child but at the same time she seemed to enjoy being the centre of attention and engaged well with the assessment. She is unable to walk and has limited movement in her left arm but she is able to get around amazingly well by crawling on all fours. As she is getting bigger it is difficult for her mother to take her places by putting her on the back, so Amy spends a lot of time at home. It was sad to learn that she had never been to school.
When Amy received her wheelchair for the first time, her smile was from ear to ear! Her mother and siblings were also delighted. However, her siblings' initial enthusiasm did not match their wheelchair skills as demonstrated by nearly tipping Amy out of her chair! Thankfully Amy was not dissuaded and once they all completed their crash course in wheelchair skills everyone was much safer!

Amy's mother thanked God for this gift and allowed us the opportunity to open the Bible and explain who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Amy's mother was keen to learn more and asked about attending church the following Sunday. Unfortunately, the very next Sunday churches were closed by the government due to increasing COVID numbers. While disappointing, we know that this will not hinder the Lord’s work and we pray that gospel seeds that were sown would bear fruit to the glory of God.
*name changed