An update from the team about the opportunity to run a medical conference, attended by both believers and non-believers.
The latest update from the Fergusons giving a taste of what life is like to serve at a mission hospital in Zambia.
Find out more about the medical work of Shelter of Hope and the impact they have had over the past year.
Find out more about the projects we have been sending to overseas.
The latest update from Julie-Rachel about what has been happening at Chitokoloki Hospital and what we can be praying for.
The latest newsletter from Julie-Rachel concerning the spread of COVID-19 in Zambia and how Chitokoloki hospital need our prayers.
Sharing the good news with patients
Find out the latest news from the ABC Health Foundation, Albania.
Emanuel Clinic are looking for ways to support the most needy during the pandemic
Please pray for the hospital as it clears up after being flooded
New hospital going up to help the local community
Felix Chibwe, who is currently doing his final year of research at Chitokoloki Hospital, has been able to use his skills during the pandemic.
A look into Annabel's medical elective in Uganda.