A look into the life of Onique who was supported by Helping Hands.
A look into the life of Manuel who was supported by Helping Hands.
A look into the life of Rosa who was supported by the Helping Hands team.
An update from the NLT team as they reflect on the past 50 years of service in Nepal.
An update on the work in Malawi from Janet Stafford after her latest visit.
A wonderful testimony of the work Helping Hands are doing in Mozambique to support children with disabilities.
An update from Nepal Leprosy Trust concerning the situation with COVID-19.
An update from the team at Lifeline Malawi, the ongoing struggles of COVID and opportunities of sharing the gospel.
An update from the ALF about the work they have been doing over the past year and ways we can be praying.
The latest update from ACET, showing how the Shining Star project has helped to remove women from the sex trade over the past year.
A look into the work of Vision for Bangladesh, who support those living in extremely poor situations who require eye treatment.
An update from the staff at Lifeline Malawi in preparing for COVID, new medical ventures and coping with difficult situations.
A look into Jonathan's time during his medical elective at Chitokoloki Mission Hospital, Zambia