The team at Dancu Village share about ways they have been able to share the gospel with those in the community.
The team share of a couple who desperately needed support with the cost of healthcare.
The team discuss potential changes for the future and areas for prayer.
The team discuss the vital need for eyecare in Bangladesh as so many face potential blindness if conditions go untreated.
Insight into the work the team do to care for children who are malnourished and assess their eye needs.
An introduction to the teams work assessing eyesight of those living in the Tea Gardens of Bangladesh.
MHO explain how they work in unison with other organisations to try and offer the best support to those in need.
In this update the team talk about their work re-integrating mothers with their families to provide long-term support.
The team discuss the current issues they are facing regarding fostering.
The team report on the challenges that have been caused by the pandemic.
A look into the sort of support work MHO offer to women in Cambodia.
A look into the life of Maria who was supported by Helping Hands.
A look into Jonathan's time during his medical elective at Chitokoloki Mission Hospital, Zambia